
  1. February 12, 2024: speech in the study meeting on the topic Riserva di umanità e funzioni amministrative [Reserve of humanity and administrative functions], an event organized by Fondazione Forense Bolognese;
  2. September 11, 2023: speech in the study meeting on the topic Riserva di umanità e funzioni amministrative [Reserve of humanity and administrative functions], an event organized by CERIDAP in the Book Forum series, and by the University of Milan;
  3. June 13, 2023: discussant in the conference Sanità rurale e assistenza sanitaria decentrata. Spagna e Italia: esperienze a confronto [Rural health and decentralized health care. Spain and Italy: comparing experiences], an event organized by the Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences of the University of Bologna and by the Real Academia de Medicina de Castilla-La Mancha in collaboration with the CeSDirSan research centre;
  4. November 4, 2022: speech on the topic Erogazione di servizi digitali e Pubblica Amministrazione: questioni ancora aperte e sfide per il futuro [Provision of digital services and Public Administration: still open issues and challenges for the future] at the Conference on La digitalizzazione e l’organizzazione della Pubblica Amministrazione [Digitization and organization of the Public Administration], at the Ca’ Foscari University, Venice;
  5. June 24, 2022: speech on the topic Accountability and motivation of algorithmic decisions at the Conference on Controlling the State in the Digital Era, organized by the University of Lorraine and the University of Saarland;
  6. June 22, 2022: co-organization of the Conference on Bringing together ethical legal and social aspects of AI, and chair of the panel on AI: The domestic and comparative prespectiveevent organized as part of the activities of the research project titled Thinking AI, Bringing together Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects of AI, funded by 4EU+ Alliance;
  7. May 10, 2022: speech on the topic La digitalizzazione degli appalti pubblici nella prospettiva del mercato unico europeo [The digitization of public procurement in the perspective of the European single market] at the International Conference on Administrative Law Procurement and Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities, organized by the Università del Piemonte Orientale in collaboration with CERIDAP;
  8. October 29, 2021: speech on the topic Accesso alla giustizia e processo amministrativo: la riduzione della distanza tra le parti ed il giudice grazie alla digitalizzazione [Access to justice and administrative trial: the reduction of geographical distance and of the length of the trial thanks to digitization] at the conference on the topic L’accesso alla giustizia nel quadro del SD goal 16 [Access to justice within the framework of SD goal 16], organized by the Department of Italian and supranational public law of the University of Milan as part of the "Law, Justice and Sustainable Development" Excellence Project;
  9. October 21, 2021: co-organization with scheduled intervention in the conference on the topic Dati e decisioni pubbliche all’epoca dell’Information and Communication Technologies [Data and decisions in the public sphere at the time of Information and Communication Technologies], an event organized by CERIDAP in collaboration with the University of Tourin and the Univeristy of Udine;
  10. October 1, 2021: co-organization and chair in the round table on the topic Climate Change and New Technologies: Aligning Public Administration and Social Activation around Decentralized Local and Global Solutions, an event organized by CERIDAP in collaboration with CODEX, the Stanford center for legal informatics;
  11. June 24, 2021: co-organization and chair in the round table on the topic Thinking about Pre-COP 2021: Climate Change and New Technologies, an event organized by CERIDAP in collaboration with CODEX, the Stanford center for legal informatics;
  12. June 11, 2021: discussant in the study meeting on the topic Legal Services and Digital Infrastructures, an event organized by CERIDAP in the Book Forum series, and by the University of Milan;
  13. June 3, 2021: co-organization and discussant in the study meeting on the topic Blockchain and Public Law: Global Challenges in the Era of Decentralization, an event organized by CERIDAP in the Book Forum series, and by the University of Milan;
  14. March 22, 2021: discussant in the online workshop on The European Parliament Administration facing the challenge of eDemocracy, an event organized by CERIDAP in the Book Forum series, and by the University of Milan;
  15. March 19, 2021: speech on the topic L’esperienza (negativa) della APP Immuni [The (negative) experience of the "Immuni" APP] at the conference on the topic La digitalizzazione della P.A. durante e oltre l’emergenza da covid-19 [The digitization of the Public Administration during and beyond the covid-19 emergency], organized by the Municipality of Milan, CERIDAP and the University of Milan as part of the Milan Digital Week 2021;
  16. October 15, 2020: webinar on IA en la Administración pública italiana [Artificial Intelligence in the Italian Public Administration] of the specialization in Inteligencia Artificial y Derecho [Artificial Intelligence and Law] of the Universidad de Buenos Aires and of the Research Center IALab;
  17. September 25, 2020: speech on the topic Digitization of controls at the times of coronavirus as part of the online seminar on The digitization of the PA in the context of the health emergency organized by the University of Milan and the Giandomenico Romagnosi Foundation, event accredited to the CNF;
  18. May 27, 2020: co-organizer of the online conference entitled Smart city & Blockchain: for an inclusive and sustainable city in the context of the Milan Digital Week 2020 and speech on the topic Public-Private Partnerships and blockchain;
  19. February 10, 2020: speech on Blockchain y política pública: una mirada desde la experiencia europea [Blockchain and public policy: a look from the European experience], presented at the Conferencia inaugural: aspectos regulatorios y éticos de las tecnologías disruptivas [ Conferencia inaugural: aspectos regulatorios y éticos de las tecnologías disruptivas], organized by the Centro para la Ética y la Transformación Digital at the Universidad Externado de Colombia;
  20. December 16, 2019: speech on Diritto all'oblio e dovere di provvedere della Pubblica Amministrazione [Right to be forgotten and duty to act of the Public Administration], presented at the Conference on Mercato Unico Digitale, dati personali e diritti fondamentali [Digital Single Market, personal data and fundamental rights], organized by the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence at the University of Milan;
  21. November 22, 2019: speech on Condivisione e trasferimento dei dati nell’amministrazione digitale multi-livello europea: problemi e sfide [Sharing and transferring data in the European multi-level digital administration: problems and challenges], presented in the panel Sfide ed opportunità dell'intelligenza artificiale nei processi decisionali delle amministrazioni pubbliche [Challenges and opportunities of artificial intelligence in public administration decision-making processes] at the annual ICON·S Conference, the Italian chapter, on Le nuove tecnologie e il futuro del diritto pubblico [New technologies and the future of public law], 22-23 November 2019, University of Florence;
  22. October 25, 2019 - October 26, 2019: co-orginizer of the international conference on Good for all: towards a Paradigm Shift. Blokchain, Law and Governance and Chair of the panel on Blockchain and Transparency Issues, University of Milan;
  23. October 11, 2019: speech on Neutralità ed indipendenza della scelta tecnologica nella pubblica amministrazione [Neutrality and independence of technological choices of public administrations], presented in the panel Competenze e fabbisogni della Pubblica Amministrazione: la digitalizzazione [Skills and requirements of public administrations: the digitization] at the annual Conference of the Italian Association of Administrative Law Professors (AIPDA) on Quali saperi servono alla pubblica amministrazione? Selezione, valorizzazione e tutela della professionalità pubblica [What skills do public administrations need? Selection, enhancement and protection of public professionalism], 10-12 October 2019, University of Pisa;
  24. June 7, 2019: speech on E-procurement ed assimetrie informative / E-procurement and information asymmetries in the Atelier 1 : Contrats de commande publique et smart cities / Public procurement contracts and smart cities at the conference titled Contrats publics, d’cisions administratives et innovation technologique / Public procurement, administrative acts and technological innovation, organized by the Chaire de droit public français de l’Université de la Sarre within the activities of the research network Smart cities & Digital administration - Law and Governance at the Universität des Saarlandes - Université de Lorraine;
  25. June 7, 2019: presentation of the paper titled Strumenti di gestione del territorio e promozione della sostenibilità da parte dell’amministrazione digitale [Territorial management tools and promotion of sustainability by the digital administration ] as one of the winners of the ReNEUAL Young Scholars Award 2019 at the ReNEUAL 10th anniversary Conference, at the University of Freiburg;
  26. May 21, 2019: speech on Interoperabilità dei dati e riflessi organizzativi [Interoperability of data and organizational reflexes ], within the Primo Convegno Nazionale Coordinamento Dottorandi in Diritto Amministrativo titled L’amministrazione pubblica con i Big Data, at the University of Tourin;
  27. October 15, 2018 - October 17, 2018: organizational manager and discussant for two panels of the 1st Edition of the Doctoral Seminar in Public, International and European Union Law on the subject Big Data and Public Law: New Challenges beyond Data Protection, at the University of Milan, Palazzo Feltrinelli in Gargnano sul Garda;
  28. October 12, 2018: speech on Open Data e Democrazia partecipativa [Open Data and participatory democracy ] within the international Conference titled Nuove prospettive dell’amministrazione digitale: open data e algoritmi / Nouvelles perspectives de l’administration numérique : open data et algorithmes / New Perspectives of Digital Administration : Open Data and Algorithms, at the Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, an event accredited to the Venice Bar Association;
  29. June 27, 2018: presentation of the paper titled Artificial intelligence for resilient local governance within the panel on Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), of the 2018 Congress of the International Institute for Administrative Sciences, 25- 29 June, Tunis, Tunisia;
  30. June 21, 2018: presentation of the paper titled Artificial intelligence in smart cities for a dynamic and adaptive governance model within the panel on Villes (intelligentes), of the Conference titled Le future du droit administratif, organized by the Chaire Mutations de l’action publique of the University of Paris SciencePo, 21-22 June 2018;
  31. May 31, 2018: speech within the international Conference titled Digitalizzazione della pubblica amministrazione: problemi attuali e prospettive future - Digitalization of Public Administration: Current Problems and Future Prospects - Digitalización de la administración pública: problemas actuales y perspectivas, part of the High Qualification Seminars cycle of the PhD in public, international and European law of the University of Milan;
  32. March 23, 2018: speech on Big Data and Public Administration, as part of the Conference titled The European Regulation on the processing of personal data: the use of databases by administrations and citizens’ rights, co-financed by the Erasmus+ program by the European Union;
  33. March 8, 2018: speech within the seminar entitled Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on personal data protection, part of the series lunch seminars of the students of Public, International and European Law of the XXX - XXXIII Doctorate cycle of the University of Milan;
  34. February 12, 2018: speech within the conference titled E-democracy and digital transformation: challenges, perspectives and skills, event promoted by the Department of Political, Economic and Social Sciences of the University of Milan in collaboration with "Centro ICONA", and accredited to the Milan Bar Association;
  35. October 25, 2017: moderator of the afternoon session of the conference titled Digital Legal Day, promoted by the Italo-German Chamber of Commerce and accredited to the Milan Bar Association;
  36. October 5, 2017: speech at the round table during the inaugural Conference of the XXXIII Doctorate Cycle of the University of Milan on Blockchain and Public Law;
  37. September 25, 2017: speech on the principles of Transparency in the use of drones in Italy, within the International Conference on Drones and their use for strategic and military purposes, titled Armed drones in Italy and in Europe: issues and perspectives, event promoted by the Italian Disarmament Network, the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (CEDU), the Italian Liberal and Civil Rights Coalition (CILD), in collaboration with the Disarmament Archive and the Law Faculty of the University of Milan;
  38. May 25, 2017: speech on Government in the digital era: can we do more with less?, at the 12° International Conference of SIPE (Societas Iuris Publici Europaei) on Information and Communication Technologies Challenging Public Law, Beyond Data Protection, Co-funded by the European Parliament, and sponsored by the European Commission;
  39. January 27, 2017: speech on The exchange of data between public bodies and the European prospects in the face of the internal market, as part of the Conference titled Digitization and the new administration, which is part of the course on Understanding the European Public Administration: New Challenges, co-financed by the Erasmus+ program by the European Union;
  40. January 13, 2017: speech on Digital tools of the digital administration, as part of the Seminar titled administration and digitalization of national and EU public administration: potential, risks and challenges of the "digital revolution", which is part of the cycle of meetings on Administration and Digitization, within the project PRIN 2012 (2012SAM3KM) on codification of the procedures of the EU;
  41. December 5, 2016: speech on Data held by public administration: current issues and future perspectives, as part of the conference on Legal BIM: Information modeling and new contract models, co-organized by the University of Milan, the Polytechnic of Milan and the University of Brescia;
  42. March 7, 2016: speech on Main innovations of the Digital Administration Code reform [Codice dell’amministrazione Digitale ] in a European perspective, as part of the Conference titled Digital Administration and the "Madia" reform, which is part of the cycle of meetings on Administration and Digitization, within the project PRIN 2012 (2012SAM3KM) on codification of the procedures of the EU and seminars of high qualification of the PhD in Public Law, International and European studies;
  43. December 18, 2015: speech on Opportunities and competitive issues in the process of digitization of Public Administration, as part of the conference on The Digital Administration in the European Union: prospects for development and related issues, which is part of the cycle of meetings on Administration and Digitization, within the project PRIN 2012 (2012SAM3KM) on codification of the procedures of the EU and seminars of high qualification of the PhD in Public Law, International and European studies;
  44. July 16, 2015: speech on "Rhetoric and administrative process", as part of the course in "Public Speaking Forensics" coordinated by Prof. Chiara Tenella Sillani of the University of Milan (4 cr.);
  45. October 13, 2014: speech on "Public companies and direct award of contracts", as part of the activities organized by the Società Lombarda degli Avvocati Amministrativisti, an event credited to the Bar of Milan (6 cr.);
  46. April 14, 2014: Report within of the informal meeting on The functioning and powers of the European Union, an event organized by Seigas;
  47. January 30, 2014: speech on Services of general economic interest and the market: in house as a form of internalization as part of the conference held at the University of Catania, on the European integration, public services and basic rights, an event credited to the Bar in Catania (4 cr.) and falling within the scope of the activities supported by the Jean Monnet Chair, co-financed by the European Union;
  48. June 22, 2012: presentation at the 7ème rencontre franco-allemande de jeunes chercheurs en droit public comparé at the Université Paris I.